I’m a Muslim self-taught bioinformatician, machine learning engineer, data scientist, and scientific illustrator. I usually write about my bioinformatics and machine learning work, interesting data projects I do, my art and creative works, and scientific mumbo-jumbo.
I also do animation, digital art, and photography. Check out my work, or learn more about me!
Don’t worry, I do the social media thing, too 👇
ONNX - One Framework to Rule Them All
ONNX - One Framework to Rule Them All (or why you very much should use ONNX for Machine Learning)
Frog Toxicity Predictor project
Information and methods about how I built my frog toxicity predictor as a Machine Learning project.
Illustrating and Designing Genetics: Unpack the Jargon
A journey through illustrating my first scientific mini-course.
Finding bacterial ORI using Python – Part II
Where in the genome does DNA replication began? Let us look at Salmonella Enterica – the very same bacteria responsible for Salmonellosis. PART II
Meiosis Animation: The Toils and Struggles
An overview of my experience making a meiosis animation, based on my previous infographic. It has been a ridiculously long and interesting journey, to say the least.