In 2011, a research was published in The American Naturalist, detailing how the colour and brightness of a certain species of Poison Frog are indicators for their toxicity levels.

Poisonous or toxic organisms often present bold colourations and flashy patterns instead of subdued tones that would promote camouflage. This might seem disandvantageous at first, as such organisms are more likely to be noticed by whatever species predate them. However, this is actually a defense mechanism - the bold colours serve as an advertisement for their toxicity, shouting out “Do not eat me!” to any potential predators. Thus even when noticed, predators will move past them as they have learnt that the bright colours and loud patterns mean the prey is unsuitable for consumption.

There have been theories in the past of how the colour of the frog may relate to its toxicity. A lot of these were disproved, with evidence to the contrary having also been found. This study focused on the inherent reflectance of the frog’s colour, independent of who the viewer was, in relation to its toxicity levels. By this new metric, and with a wider range of colour morphs, the study found a strong correlation between the conspiciousness of a frog and its toxicity level.

I had to build a project for my machine learning bootcamp, and this is the data I choose. Frogs and toxicities and interesting correlations - what’s there to miss?

The project was to build a model that will be able to predict the toxicity of the poison frog based on its colours and brightness alone. I built the model as well as a fully interactive frontend to interact with it.

Check out the published prediction system, or dive deeper into the code behind it here.

A little bit about my work behind the model

The working notebook notebook.ipynb contains everything that was done to obtain the model, from EDA to final model. Here’s a summary of it all.

  • Basic data setup

    The data provided was organised for use in research and was not the most intuitive to work with. I renamed the columns according to the guide provided with the data. This guide is committed along with the data.

  • Basic data analysis

    I performed basic EDA to check for missing data and duplicate values, and to learn more about the different features.

  • Data correction

    EDA revealed an abnormally large amount of missing data in some of the columns - up to 93% of that column contained NaN values. These three features were dropped. The rest of the data had a smattering of missing values - these were filled in with zeros. Lastly, EDA revealed several rows which were exact duplicates - these were dropped.

  • Further data analysis

    After doing the data correction, I split the data into train/validation/test sets, with a 80/10/10 ratio. Then I used the Pandas Profiler library to get a more in-depth look at all of the data. This allowed me to look at different metrics, correlation graphs, scatter plots, and more for different features just by changing values on a HTML interface.

  • Baseline model

    After this I was ready to train my first model. There were two columns that contained normalised values of the other data columns. These were dropped as they would not realistically be available to a model in production. Once that was done, I trained a baseline model with LinearRegression.

    The model (and all subsequent models until the very end) was trained on the training dataset and tested against the validation dataset. The metric of scoring used was RMSE.

  • Experiments

    I conducted some experiments to try and improve the models performance. I tried dropping features which EDA indicated to have lower correlation, and tried some scaling with the numerical data. The best performance out of these was by using Standard Scaling and by dropping no features.

  • Decision tree model

    Next I trained a decision tree model with default parameters and data. This was used as a baseline for the decision tree models. Then I performed the same experiments as with the Linear Regression model, and found that no method of scaling nor dropping any features could improve the baseline.

    After that I hyper-tuned the models parameters with GridSearch CV.

  • XGBoost model

    Lastly I trained a XGBoost model on default parameters and data. This baseline was stored as well, and already performed better than previous models. I then conducted some experiments to refine this model, both using the previous experiments and some new ones tailered to XGBoost. Lastly, I set up a GridSearch that exhaustively tunes multiple XGBoost parameters.

    This is a time consuming and resource heavy process. If you do decide to run the notebook at any point, it might be better to skip the section which is performing this tuning.

    After GridSearch returned optimal parameters, some further digging had to be done to choose parameters that were not overfitted. After I did that I checked these parameters against validation data one last time, obtaining the lowest RMSE score so far at 0.018. This was chosen as the final model.

  • Training the final model

    Now that the best performing model had been selected, I trained it one last time, but this time on the combined train and validation data and scored it against the test data - hitherto untouched. This model was then saved using BentoML.

    In the notebook, you will notice the code for saving the model is commented out. This is because we will use to train and save the model instead.

I know that’s a lot of technical jargon than I generally include in my blogposts, but I wanted to detail some of my process for this project. I learnt a lot, and though it was a bit frustrating at times when lots of bugs arose, it was also pretty interesting.

It’s always a bit challenging I think moving into starting projects from scratch, and I am quite happy with how this turned out.

In other news look who posted again 👀 I failed in my acitivity claims once again. More active on my socials these days. See you guys next time round!